Ok, we all know that PO and Renda got the best gifts this year - they're going to be Grandma's by this time next year

And Hoovie has his precious little son. How much better can it get!!
But for those of us who had to settle for the mundane this year, I'm curious. What was the BEST thing that you got?
You all are gonna laugh at me, but I don't care. My favorite gift under the tree was The Official Guide to Adventures in Odyssey. I've listened to Odyssey for years and years and love it still. Now it's nice to be able to put faces to some of the voices. And to read the behind-the-scenes stories. I can't wait to dig into it!!!
My REAL favorite gift tho was that both of my boys absolutely loved every single thing they got. Considering that 95% of what they got was clothes, that is really saying something

They knew things were tight this year and were very happy with everything just the same.