Originally Posted by afp1996
Brother, I knew that you would have to go there. That is why I asked you this question. A newspaper article and the name of a tank is not going to cut it by biblical standards. Daniel clearly lays out who those beasts were. They are Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. ANY other interpretation is just plain non-founded and without any biblical proof.
Greece was under Alexander the Great, and was then separated to his four Generals. It is clear.
Please show me where I attacked Irvin Baxter. Was it here? :
This is not an attack. I used to believe as his does before I even knew who he was, but then I came to understand the scriptures more perfectly. This was not an attack on Irvin Baxter, but you seem to be doing anything to martyr the messager to secure the constititution of the message. Only it falls short. Notice I said "it" and not "he". I am talking about the message.
Bottom line: Tanks do not make countries into beasts.
No, you are wrong!
Let me explain it one more time for the slow pickerupers!
Bottom line is this. Leopard tanks would not have been relative to Daniel or John, but they are relative to us today! God knew that so He put that in there like that.
That is true that the first interpretation of that prophecy might have been what you claim, but that would not have been relative to us today! Thus we can discard your reasoning that it is not for us.
But... for us to use that typology for us then all we have to do is look at the countries typlified by the before mentioned beasts. Relative to us today we see the four countries, Usa, Germany, Russia and etc.
Very plain and I hope I explained it clearly and distinctly.
As far as martyrering the messanger, you are the one who went up against Baster! I did not attack him, you did!