Originally Posted by Jeffrey
Didn't mean to come off brash on that one - but goodness. We have plenty of opportunities to talk about these things on their own merit. This was about the Pope and what I got was generalities and potshots on how Pentecost is "just as much" full of false doctrine as the RCC! Amazing to me.
Now, Jeffrey, you shoulda known we would have reactions like that on here.
The way the UPC was set up in 1945, there is room within the organization for those who believe salvation is by faith prior to and separate from baptism in water and baptism in the Spirit and for those who believe baptism is a birth of water that washes away sins.
Bro. Haney's farewell sermon at GC reaffirmed that the UPC agrees with the RCC when it comes to baptism. I guess as the (retiring) pope of the UPC he can speak for the organization but what he said is not agreed to by all in the organization.
If we can have differences of opinion amongst ourselves in the UPC on how to be born again; how long is long; will viewing tv/internet send you to hell; how much, if any, jewelry can a person wear and make it in the rapture; how much money goes to the pastor; preterism or rapture; etc we should be able to accept others outside our little elite group who do not agree with us on everything.
I made the comment about praying the Apostles' Creed and I actually meant it. I can accept anyone as a brother or sister who believes that Jesus died for their sins, was buried, and rose again and as a result of that belief confesses Jesus as Lord. In my opinion what is important is the heart. We're all trying to get our heads right.