Quick Thanks to this Forum
I have seen a few threads lately implying (to me at least) that there is a lot of strife and meaningless discussion on this forum, as of late.
Having been a member through three iterations, I would like to say how much I appreciate this forum. From the hard-line, extremely conservative stances of some, to the very loose, very free interpretations of others, to the honest inquisitive (and maybe even pot-stirring) nature of some, I have learned quite a bit on this thread. That may speak to how shallow or ignorant I am, lol, but there have been a lot of Biblical/Spiritual topics I have learned about and researched whose seeds were planted by God through this site. There are times when I do not log on for a while, when I need a break, but I always come back and am refreshed by something being discussed on this site. There is a wealth of knowledge from the members of this forum. We are all Apostolic/Pentecostal/Christian, just with differing viewpoints. Simply because family members disagree, it does not mean they/we/I are any less family.
Thanks to all who post here and to all that have in the past. My life, at least, has been enriched by you.
Long-time lurker, part-time poster