Obama's gonna take your 401(k)
I hate to sound like the bogeyman, but.... folks, if you have a IRA, Obama is gonna take it.
There is almost $12 trillion in debt, yet there is $14 trillion in private assets setting in American IRA's. You would be a fool to think that Obama is going to let it set there when the dollar is going to Hades in the proverbial handbasket, America's credit rating is going to be downgraded soon, and the economy is NOT going to pick up.
They will try to change it to something, possibly called a national IRA, but the bottom line will be, you no longer control your own money.
Argentina already did this very thing in 2008. They had the very same ingredients in their economy as you currently have in the American. They saw Billions sitting in personal retirement accounts and took it.
Last weekend, North Korea just devalued the WON and people lost the equivelant of millions of dollars in value.
America is going to follow suit with the UK not far behind.
I am sure that many will feel that this could be a buildup to a "Mark of the beast", I don't buy that but i do believe that America is not through with her "Tribulations".
What you think?