Originally Posted by easter
Bro.Blume I pulled up some of the names you had listed.Are you aware that these folks ,half don't agree that the apostle John was the same John of Patmos.In other words they don't agree on who the inspired writer of the Revelation of Jesus Christ was.Half don't think the beloved disciple JOHN was the one who received the Apocalypse from the Lord.
But the point is they all believed AD70 came after Revelation was written,. That was my point.
John the disciple wrote Revelation near the end of Domitian's reign around 95 AD.
We need proof though as you know. And the greatest proof to me is what Revelation, itself, says. And there were only 7 churches in Asia minor before AD70 not after, and as I noted Laodicaea was destroyed by an earthquake so no church could even be there in AD96 for John to write to them. And
Rev 11 mentions the exact 3.5 year time when Jerusalem would be destroyed. This is called INTERNAL EVIDENCE. It is going by what the bible says itself. EXTERNAL EVIDENCE is when we read writings outside the bible for opinions. Internal is always better than external. We can always count on what the bible says itself.
We have historians who agree with you and ones that agree with me. Too many variations in history. So we have to look more to what the Revelation itself says, I think. After all, it is God's word.
Some believe Revelation was wrote in 68 AD.These folks cite the fact that the persecution was limited to the Roman empire.However John of Patmos speaks of the churches suffering persecution throughout Asia minor.Asia minor was not part of the Roman empire during Nero's reign.But Titus came about acquiring it after the First Jewish-Roman war defeated and claimed Asia minor as part of the Empire of Rome.
According to Eusebus it was Domitian who started the persecution and the exile of Christians to Patmos.Domitian reign as Emperor of Rome 81 AD-96 AD
Domitian was more evil then Nero.He persecuted and killed many,many Christians.
So many different opinions.
I think Nero was far worse. Not because I want to, though. I was futurist like you, and started seeing these things and hearing about Nero. Etc. And I was realizing my prophetic world was being upset.
For centuries EVERYONE spoke of Nero and his evil. The first name anyone comes up with when it comes to Rome persecuting Christians is Nero. Nero was a mad man. A maniac. Domitian was never so personally wicked as Nero. Even some movies I have from the 50's about the bible talk about "the great antichrist Nero." He tied christians on stakes and lit them on fire for his night lights in his parties. I could cite many things he did that would sicken a person's stomach.
But like I said, internal evidence is far greater to rely upon. History is too full of holes. and imperfect. the bible is perfect.