Originally Posted by alogi
First off the whole idea of christmas is pagan, along with
easter,valentines,saint patty etc.These holidays are of the Catholic cult.
They should not be observed by true Apostolics.One cannot mix pagan and Christian ,that is what has been done here through these holidays. The Tammuz tree is just part of agreater diabolical, scheeme to turn the true worshippers away from the true God Jesus Christ.By observing things of this world. That is pay homage to the creation,instead of the one who creates.
Brethren remove yourselves from Idoltry.Let us get back to the worship of the Jewish God'' Jesus Christ''
WAY TO GO, Alogi!
TRUTH will prevail!
i for one cannot fathom what prevents people from seeing something
so simple, so clear., although I have my hunch(es)