Originally Posted by Sam
I pray for President Obama and other leaders on a regular basis according to my understanding of my duty according to 1 Timothy 2:1-6.
I did not vote for him,
I wish he were not the President,
I consider him an enemy and destroyer of our democracy,
I do not like the idea that he was the candidate of the Chicago Political Machine, that he stinks of the Chicago political sewer in which he swam for years, and that he was elected by less than honest and honorable means through the influence of the media, the unions, ACORN, and racism,
and I'll be glad to see him leave the office.
You should've stopped with your first sentence. The second part doesn't matter. He's our president, he's our leader, and the future, as well as the present of our nation, is in his hands. We should pray fervently for him as we would any leader, whether we agree or disagree.