Pastor Toney Visited
my church yesterday and preached the Sun service.
Bro Howell was there the Sunday before last.
In both sermons, there were elements of encouragement for us to "not change the doctrine."
In fact, Bro. Toney said something that really stands out in my mind: "you can't water down fire."
I understood exactly where he was going-- by preaching that the Holy Ghost infilling with the evidence of speaking in other tongues is NOT ESSENTIAL to one's salvation, then you will effectively put out the Fire of the Holy Spirit in a church.
This is what I understood him to be getting at.
I am torn. I couldn't be a part of a "dead" church-- I'd just as soon not go.
But how do I get around the the Ethiopian and the Philipian jailer's conversion experiences?
I don't want my belief system to be one that adds to the Bible, but I KNOW what I have experienced and what I have been taught and what I hear repeatedly-- from friends and family alike.
I used to get it, a long time ago-- now I don't.
I want to be able to embrace my Biblical faith and Biblical experiences with my mind and my heart.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."