"No faith justifies these murderous and craven acts; no just and loving God looks upon them with favor," Obama told the crowd on a steamy Texas afternoon. "And for what he has done, we know that the killer will be met with justice — in this world and the next."
One of the things that made O the perfect canidate was his ability to say
exactly what everyone wanted to hear. How is it possible?
Consider the above quote taken off a news website just as I saw it. My first reaction was typical American agreement. But then I considered what other meanings one could attach to carefully crafted words.
1. "No faith justifies these muderous and craven acts;"
To Muslim ears---> Infidels (those with no faith) justifies these murderous and craven acts;
2. "No just and loving God looks upon
them with favor."
To Muslim ears----> God doesn't look upon them/infidels with favor.
3. "And for what he has done, we know that
the killer will be met with justice — in this world and the next."
----> Indeed! 70 virgins.
Admittedly, I haven't seen these words in context but found myself stunned by the potential double meaning in the headlines. Coincidence?
Btw- When was the last time you heard the President of the United States bring up life after death in a public speech about an evil person? Hmm....