This is in the same category as soul sleep. Who cares? It involves things far beyond our scope of understanding that we may never comprehend. God probably has a conclusion which involves reasons on His part to do what h ewill do that we could never comprehend, and perhaps even think unfair. But our minds are specks of dust compared to His. That is why the Bible spends NO time on it. We are not given an explanation about the issue in detail so as to avoid any erring confusion. It is not practical, and does not affect our need to learn to walk After his Spirit now and do things for His kingdom. It is brain candy alone. It is "neat" to think about and theorize. But it is a line of thought that is impractical, despite all its advocates' arguments to the contrary who want to keep enjoying the mental gymnastics of imagining all the implications for each viewpoint.
There is too much in the bible we are meant to understand with much detail given than for us to spend time on these issues. It's a rabbit trail of futility. Let God do what he is going to do, and let's get on with His kingdom work!