Ladies and gentlemen (and Timmy),
I introduce you to a big influence on me in the last few years... Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church, Seattle WA.
He teaches that the Song of Soloman isn't a allegory of Gods love for the church... and if it was it would put Christ in the odd position of touching a guy in a unmodest way.
He teaches alcohol is ok in moderation.
He teaches hell is super hot and ticks off liberals.
He teaches that ladies should focus on their families before jobs.
He has the 15th fastest growing church in the nation in one of the toughest and most liberal towns in America with 9000 showing up every week.
The SBC has tried to ban his books, the liberals say hes a homophobe, Focus on the Family banned him because he said Song of Soloman is gay when you make it a allegory instead of a romance story.