Originally Posted by Aquila
Coadie, conservatives LOVE abortion. (You prove it by using it as a weapon every time the discussion doesn't go your way.) Most conservatives I know use it as a card to play to make political points with the blood of innocents. I was told point blank by a local conservative politician back when I was a RNC Team Leader that he hoped abortion wouldn't go away because it's, "...the most controversial political weapon we have against liberals." (His words, not mine.)
Abortion isn't just a liberal issue. It's also a conservative issue also. Conservatives only throw bandaids at the problem and fail to address the underlying issues. Abortion will never go away, no one was ever prosecuted for murder as a result of abortion, and frankly, like it or not, it's best for the government to step away and leave it in the hands of the mother and not make the problem worse. We as Christians do well to teach our values and enfluence women to choose life.
No judge can overrule a changed heart and mind.
Now please don't try to derail this interesting conversation with the abortion issue. If you wish to discuss abortion, start an abortion thread.
That is what conservatives stand for. We vote to protect babies born here and born as citizens. You have to answer to God about voting for abortion.
You won't be able to ask to start a new thread on judgement day.
You also seem to miss some truth. We do see people killing a pregant woman chardged with 2 homicides. Liberals push legalized violence on the unborn and have the nerve to hint conservatives are violent?
so why do you support abortion? Is this immigration talk just to scratch and claw to fake moral superiority?
I know exactly what you are doing.
One of the things Dems are doing is selfish. It is about hoping for votes from illegals. Dems use ACORN for voter and voter registration fraud and those days are in trouble.