Originally Posted by Edward Anglin
BTW, I think some of us are being way too critical.
The story of Lot's family has always amazed and concerned me.
I didn't expect everyone to agree with all of it. Nor did I expect it to get a free pass, here of all places. The intent was to motivate thought. Unfortunately, there are some who read only to critique and not to see if there is any merit at all.
I still contend that the spirit of the city worked it's way into the life of Lot. That in no way negates the words of Peter. The totality of scripture is indeed necessary and one cannot negate the man's actions nor the ords of those telling the story. The two must reconcile and I feel that they do. But I sure am not inclined to take the time and do an exegetical outline for folks here who well know the merit of what was written but would rather use it as a battering ram t hammer me personally. I have thick skin, but it is selective.
Lastly, the comment about what the "Pastor teaches" I would think would surely have been understood to mean Biblical teaching. It is absolutely amazing that I did not mention a specific teaching at all, yet folks have attributed a motive and meaning to me. That is just as wrong as the supposed error they see in what I have written.
But hey, this thread got more replies than most of mine have here.