On being the Greatest
Act 1:1 ¶ The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach,
The Book of Acts is the second of two Books written by Luke, whom Paul refers to as
“the beloved physician” (
Col. 4:14). We are indebted to Luke for his contribution to the New Testament because his two Books gives us an historical account of both, the Life of Jesus and of the early New Testament church.
Luke begins the Book of Acts by referring to his previous letter to Theophilus where he wrote about Jesus’ life and ministry. He wrote about the things
“that Jesus began to do and teach”. Notice that? DO AND TEACH. First He DID, then He TAUGHT. A good example of this is when
“…He was praying in a certain place…” . First, He prayed, then He taught the disciples how to pray.
(Luke 11:1-4). First, He DID, then He TAUGHT.
The greatest teacher, I have heard, is EXAMPLE. And Jesus was the greatest Teacher in that He taught by example. He lived the life that He taught others to live. A great teacher is one who does what he or she teaches others to do. A man that doesn’t pray can’t very well teach others to pray. That’s what the religious leaders of Jesus’ day were guilty of. They tried to enforce religious rules, but failed to live by them. A parent who tells their children to clean up after themselves and fails to do so themselves, isn’t a very good teacher. Children learn so much more by example. I remember a man who was an alcoholic and drug user saying to me one time, “I want my son to grow up and be somebody”. I answered “If you really want that, YOU be what you want him to be and he’ll follow in your footsteps”. Sadly, he didn’t listen, but continued in his self-destructive behavior and, even more sadly, his son followed right along behind him.
Its not enough for us to teach. We must first DO, then TEACH others to be what God has called us to be.
Mat 5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach [them], the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. Notice those words:
”…whosoever shall do and teach [them], the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven“ Want to be a great preacher?. First Do…then TEACH. The same rule that applies to parents, applies here as well. Set the example, then teach others to follow. This rule applies in all that we do. A supervisor that ignores safety regulations, but requires employees to observe them isn’t a very good teacher and will never be a great teacher. Only when we, ourselves, do what we want others to do are we able to teach others. The phrase
“apt to teach” appears two times in the NT. ( 1Ti 3:2 2Ti 2:24) It means more than just being able to teach. It also means to be qualified to teach. And the first qualification of a teacher or preacher is to live what he or she teaches others. DO then TEACH.
Want to be great at what you do? Want to be great in God's kingdom? Well, now you know how to reach your goal. Do... then teach.