Originally Posted by rgcraig
I remember the first time I went to see a movie - - I just knew the Lord was going to come while I was in there. I wasn't convicted of seeing the G rated movie, nothing happened and I lived to tell it, but I was scared to death the whole time I was in there.
I remember back a few years, before we left the UPCI church we were attending to start the work we are in currently. My wife and I were ON A DATE for our anniversary, and I wanted to take her to see
The Notebook - it was just released into theaters. She is a Nicholas Sparks fan and had already read the book, and I thought it would be an enjoyable way for two adults to spend an evening.
As we were leaving the theater (it's hard to write this without laughing to myself at how ridiculous this is), we saw a group of young people from the church
IN THE PARKING LOT OF THE THEATER. Panic stricken, there we were... two grown-ups, late 30's, cowering and hiding behind a van until the two young couples walked away toward the theater... so afraid that we would be seen and it would get back to the master (er... I mean pastor) that we were seen at the sinful picture show. The irony of it all sure is not lost on us, but the fear was VERY real.
And this situation is very similar to what you said, D4T about your MIL. Our ex-master (there I go again... I mean ex-pastor) absolutely forbids anyone of "his saints" to go to movies, but does only "discourages" home viewing of the same videos. Also, he thinks nothing of going with his family and friends to live theater and IMAX. A little inconsistent, I think.
Your post took me back to that night, Renda. Oh... the crazy things we are fearful about.
Instead of studying to make sure what we believe is supported by Scripture, we
MUST study the Scripture to see what
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2.15 KJV