Originally Posted by rgcraig
Maybe I shouldn't use the term, but with those that I'm around, grew up with, etc we all understand what is meant by saying "played church".
To me, there are people that "play church" still. I know that's not going to go over very well, but they are there. There are some ministers that can turn it on and off (play church) and aren't digging in the word or spending time on their knees. They have learned the art and know how to do what's expected. I really don't want to misdirect this thread - it's a good thread.
I totally agree with you, Renda. I have seen it. They want to be accepted and I think this is part of the subject of this thread. It's included in the "scared" part.
When I see that happening the only thing I can think is - You have no real relationship with God or you wouldn't let people intimidate you like that.
Fortunately, I have never had these people in my inner circle. I couldn't develop a friendship with someone like that.