Originally Posted by deadeye
I really dont post on here much...just cant stomach some of the things that I see here....but I have noticed that there are several here on "Apostolic Friends Forum" that are anything but Apostolic....and in fact will proudly proclaim that they are not.
And they love to rip and tear apart all that many Apostolics hold dear.....and then get thier shorts in a wad if anybody calls them on it. They talk about how bad the Org(s) are and how they are soooo glad they are no longer part of these "terrible' things and then cry about being "shunned' or some such.
Here is an idea....why dont you get off of the Apostolic forums and go hang out at "spiritualabuse.whine" with the rest of the malcontents and disgruntles.........
Just saying.....
I rarely come here anymore. Every once in a while I like to go slumming, so I log in and see what is going on.
Most here are not Apsotolic at all.