Originally Posted by Aquila
These people come here illegally because they want a better life and faced dire circumstances or living conditions in their homeland. As Americans we should endeavor to see to it that they have a fast and non-cumbersome process to become legal.
Christ said,
Matthew 25:43
I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
Here we have strangers clamoring to find a God given freedom in a nation blessed by God... and Christians advocate rounding them up and shooting them. I shudder to think how Christ will judge their motives.
Many of these immigrants are pregnant... don't you care about their unborn children? Most have never broken any law but immigration law... these are not criminals worthy of death. I guess your "life ethic" goes out the window when it's a class of people who are popular to hate politically.
More on abortion. conservatives oppose abortion.
The fat cat Limosine Liberals don't even pay their illegal house slaves minimum wages.