Originally Posted by Aquila
Because you know I believe the Bible. I'll take being a Christian over being a conservative any day. You honestly can't say that mowing them down with ".50 cals" would be the "Christian" thing to do....
Who would Jesus "mow down" with a .50 cal?
Conservatives are against abortion.
You have no room to talk. The left call the unborn baby a parasite. The baby has no right to be where it is and the mom has all rights to remove the invader.
If people push the Democrat party, they have no business even saying what they think about "illegals" until they repent of abortion.
Peopple with moral values really need to consider what their testimony is by how they defend the most corrupt ordeal ever pushed on mankind.
David was a warrior. Obama is a ditherer.
Abortion is done to prevent the expansion of "unwanted weeds" according to Margaret Sanger the founder of Planned Parenthood.
We really don't take moral directives seriously from the Abortion Party.