Originally Posted by Timmy
Welllllll, since you asked.....
I was just wondering if anyone here really believes that scripture and others like it. It seems that nobody believes that Jesus meant what He said, exactly as it is written. And I agree, actually. It would be foolish to take no thought for tomorrow. I believe in buying groceries, saving money for contingencies, retirement planning, etc.
Of course, I know you guys do believe what Jesus said. (You have to.) You just need to spin it somehow, and turn it into something non-literal. Make it a general principle of some kind, like "trust God for everything -- and that would include trusting Him to give you wisdom on how to take thought for tomorrow, to make sure the morrow takes care of itself". Or something.
Yes sir... I do believe the scriptures you quoted.
I also believe that we live a lifestyle that is far and above what God is speaking of in those scriptures as well.
I don't feel that God is saying... no matter how high you live I will maintain that. So what I see in it is that I have been living a lifestyle far different from any lifestyle God was speaking of in those scriptures.
I believe that God would take care of me if I lived a lifestyle where I took no care for tomorrow but one cannot live a lifestyle that takes no care for tomorrow when there are mortgages to pay and car notes to pay. One must take care for tomorrow in those cases. The choices we have made create cares that will be waiting on us when the sun rises tomorrow.
So I truly believe those scriptures are true but I also believe that they also call to a life where we owe no man and have nothing of this world tieing us down. We are not living that life.
God can provide for our every need... but few want to live a life that has no care for tomorrow because that life can't be had without mortgages, other debts & light bills.
Let me know if I have failed to explain my stance on those scriptures sufficiently.