very true. Survivors have always looked for the positive or the possibilities in their situations, rather than the problems. We would do well to look for the possibilities and the positives and remain flexible. It could be bad, it could be worse. Something will happen, but I will prepare the best I can and trust God for the rest.
Good things about the economic crisis:
Obama's approval rating has dropped enormously and the media is no longer 100% behind him. (
(sorry, couldn't resist that one)
Improved health:
More exercise
Need to eat healthier foods (they are less expensive and more affordable and accessible in crisis)
Loss of extra weight!
Improved budgeting:
Increased debt awareness
Paid off debt
Re-analysis of what is necessary and what is fluff in life
Waste reduction:
Less waste, more saving
More recycling
Mental improvement:
Less distraction
More sleep (no lights at night to keep you up)
Less busy-ness
More time for prayer and more fulfilling work (hands on work that gives you personal results is VERY fulfilling)