Re: An apology to Digging4Truth and Edward Anglin
Originally Posted by Edward Anglin
Watch how many times something bad happens to someone and we Americans say "you deserve better."
Extreme Home Makeover is full of hard-luck stories of people who supposedly "deserve" a new house because tragedy befell them.
How stupid is that?
Finances are emotionless. The balance sheet doesn't care what your excuse is. Bad decisions lead to bad lives. Good decisions lead to better lives.
None of us "deserve" anything simply because we are American. None of us "deserve" what our neighbor has.
Get your butt to work. Quit whining about what everybody else has. Stop envying.
Originally Posted by rgcraig
I agree everyone should work, but most on EHM are working - there usually is other hardships that befall them.
You missed my point. The idea that they "deserve" something is stupid.
The world has lost the power to blush over its vice; the Church has lost her power to weep over it.
Leonard Ravenhill