Originally Posted by pastorrick1959
if your looking for that perfect church that suits you in everyway and belives everything just like you do jfrog .. you;ll have to start your own, lol...i aint never seen that church myself,,,,,and i aint never quit going yet. thats where my help is and my strength. you have allowed your beliefs to interfere with your walk with god ,, i wonder who.s the most happy about your ways right now god or the devil?? its not about being right all the time its about a love relationship with JESUS ...stop allowing the enemy to rule you rebuke the devourer that has caused seperation from the body of christ,, is christ DIVIDED? i say no unity there is strength ,,we may have differetn ideas of things but we can still work for the same cause winning souls. JESUS woukld have us winning souls not devouring one another ..its easy to find fault ,harder to love someone even tho they are faulty ////AINT YOU GLAD WE GOT A GOD THAT PUTS UP WITH US?
I realize it's not about the perfect church. I'll never find one that fits me perfectly, and if I could, then when I modify any of my beliefs again, I'll have to find a brand new one. I've realize it's not about the church being perfect, probably more now than ever. In fact I do want to be able to attend apostolic churches again and not get so bothered by what the preacher is saying and wondering how he could even say it. It's not only them that I seem to have problems with. Baptist churches aren't my fancy either, and I imagine most of the church world wouldn't be either. I seem to have problems with much of what I hear from any pulpit. It's not just minor disagreements either. The principles I hear them preach about and everything just doesn't feel right to me. This happens so often for me throughout the service that I usually leave thinking wow, he really said all that. It's not about finding a perfect church for me anymore. It's about finding a church where enough of what is preached feels right to me. Maybe I'm the one so wrong and it's my spirit that screwed up on these issues. But, as long as I believe as I do it seems church preaching isn't much of an option for me.