Originally Posted by Timmy
But seriously. You really think that scripture is saying that I need a preacher to help me with my list? That I can't get it from the Bible for myself? I can't work out my own salvation with fear and trembling? That all scripture is not profitable for doctrine etc., unless a preacher explains it to me?
Your suggestion to read the Bible is a good one. A little self-contradictory (what good would it do, if I need a preacher to tell me what to believe?), but good.
BTW, just for the record, I do have a preacher in my life. Must not be a very good one, though. He doesn't say anything about most of the items on the list I gave above. I guess my blood will be on his hands!
Exactly. Just chuck your Bible right out the nearest window because one of the higher ups has to tell you about it for it to count with God.
I am having entirely too much fun tonight!