Originally Posted by Jeffrey
If you don't think your divorce and remarriage have had ANY affect on your children, you are living in denial. While I admire the fact that you are in a stable marriage today (and don't know the details, nor care to, of your divorce), divorce is one of the most traumatic things for children.
I'm not married. Was twice and left them both. And I agree that it affected my children, but you wouldn't know it. They have beaten all the stats and expectations.
Your sexuality doesn't affect parenting? Are we raising up rocks or people? Confused gender roles. Inability to relate to others at school. False ideas about families. You see being a dad and mom as indepedent of who you are. You seem to think it's direct behavior with the child. Who you are says more than what you do.
This debate would be formed differently if you were an atheist. But you're A CHRISTIAN!!!!!
Jeff, I've been both mother and father to my children. And you speak about gender roles and confusion? False ideals about families? My kids have no idea!! They never have, and never will, until they have their own families, and I hope they get married and stay that way so their children don't endure what they went through.
And I'm in the process of moving, so I might not get back here until tomorrow sometime, or maybe later tonight. This computer is at my old house because they can't turn the cable on at the new house until sometime next week.
But I like the discussion.