Focused on taking the insurance industries money to stop health care reform and oh yea SEX and power.
We don't live in the past that is true but people are paying with their life's because Republicans did NOTHING.
They fought SS.
They fought Medicare.
They fought the Chips program.
They fought Medicaid.
The only thing they haven't fought against is lining their pockets.
Isn't that something. They spent the last 8 years running up debt on a war in Iraq that was unnecessary well over $700 million dollars.
President Bush worked to get a Medicare drug benefit passed and I applaud him for it. It's been a help to the senior citizens in this country. You know what he and the Republican Congress didn't do though? They didn't pay for it. They never cut the budget to pay for that.
NOW, that the Dem's are wanting reforms those same people that didn't worry about paying for a war or prescription drug benefit are strict fiscal conservatives again. Seems very convenient doesn't it?
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine