Originally Posted by hgpower
On the WHeel,
I know you probably just get on here to try to make people made. I guess that's OK. I am UPC. Thank you. For all your wonderfully Christianity that is so evident in your posts will fall at your feet in admiration. Get a day job and we won't have to read your rhetoric. FYI I am close friends with numerous folks in leadership with the WPF and I have never been asked to join with them or give to any of their causes. Furthermore, one of my best friends went to the President of the WPF and personally asked him about leaving and joining the WPF. Bro. Godair told him he thought it would be better for him to stay in the UPC. Their goes your idea. These are good people. They can only stay in office for two years according to their bylaws. So, that sounds like they are power hungry politicians. Good people. So, get a life and grow up. Talk about the devils crowd. If not, join a "I hate apostolics forum and you lambast us all". We are all on the same team. Get the big picture. Get out of your local gossip[ group.
Well, Mr HGPower, we will have to agree to disagree. But I must say, I am satisfied that I have written the truth.
1. For your information I have a day and night job (fact). I have only posted 54 times (55 after this one). Not too many (fact)
2. Certain leaders of the WPF were not even present to vote on the TV resolution they so vociferously opposed (fact).
3. These leaders marketed their new organization repeatedly to the whole UPCI constituency, and still do (fact).
4. Men I know were leaned on heavily to leave the UPCI (fact).
5. I have stated that these men are great men, but that these above things did indeed happen and the UPCI did suffer a loss of good men for an issue that is now not an issue (fact).
Your personal assertions that I do not have a job, I do not have a life, hate apostolics, am a gossiper, do not see the big picture, and am not a team player are all completely devoid of any empirical data (facts) and are untrue.
I do wish the WPF all the best, now that they have made their move. I also wish you the best.
Have revival and win souls, but know this.
The truth will set you free. That is what I seek for. I am sure your anecdotal evidence is true, as is mine. The truth is the truth.
Traditional holiness is not the only truth.
Perhaps we can stow the vitriol in the future and have a productive discussion.
God bless.