Re: "death panels" obamacare
Originally Posted by Twisp
Exactly where did our President say that?
Was it where he said he did not want bureaucracy making medical decisions? Or was it where he talked about the doctors and patients making the decisions? Or was it where he said that end of life decisions were ultimately between physicians and patients?
All that video showed is that the "death panels" would be between the physician and the patient.
Twisp you must be under the spell of Obama. Newsflash! He LIES!
He said very recently that he never said he was for a one-payer system, yet he is on tape when stomping for the presidency saying the opposite that he is for the one-payer system.
He even admitted that it would take some time before everybody would be brought on the system. Giving you a false hope that you can choose what you want.
Another of him many lies.
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