Originally Posted by Ferd
Sorry Mike this is a boondoggle.
If MS broke the law, it isnt the SC Republican party that needs to be involved. It is the AG of South Carolina. If in fact, it is proven that he has broken the law he needs to be prosecuted.
However, I am loath to hear anyone take pot shots at the Republican party for ethics violations... considering the vapid response democrats had to a comander in chief who actually perjured himself.
go bark under a different tree.
The point is that the Republican's of SC held an all day conference call over a month ago and never could come to conclusion on what they wanted Mark Sanford to do. Is it really unclear what he should do? Being the upholders of all things, right, moral and fiscally sound they should have called for his resignation, but they refused too.
NOW it will be in the hands of the AG since it looks like he may have broken the law.
Bill Clinton perjured himself and yes, Ken Starr spent $62 million to prove he lied about sex. He was impeached but never convicted. It certainly wasn't swept under the rug Ferd. It was a full blown circus courtesy of the Republican party.
No one's taking pot shots at the Republican party. Mark Sanford is the one who chose to leave the country without anyone being in executive charge of his state for four days. He apparently is also the one who chose to waste tax payer dollars illegally all the while pretending to champion fiscal conservatism for every cable news network who'd give him air time. Sounds like he "pot shot" himself to me.