Faith...Tried tested and proven?
We got some more bad news about my Daddy today. He is NOT a cadidate for surgery at all. I'm not sure if I posted this here or not. He has a 2 in tumor in his right kidney. Next Wed. I have to take him to OK City to have some tests run on his heart to see how much blockage there is there. Monday he has to have an MRI on something to do with his kidneys. They are trying to find a way to get the tumor without surgery. (His health is not the greatest)
Anyway, when I heard this this evening, I almost had a cat. Luckily Iwas in the store when my mom called and then immediately got in the van and my boys were in there. I was able to calmly tell my husband and he asked me if I was ok, I couldn't talk. I just squeezed his fingers and tried not to cry cause I was heading into Sam's to get my husbands insulin. So all this evening I have been battling. Trying to stay busy to keep my mind off of things. I was cleaning my bedroom, which is a mine field, and came in the living room and sat down in my recliner and was on facebook and a saint from our church starts chatting and asked how I was doing...about then my husband plays that song that says, "If we never meet again this side of heaven" and I totally lost it. Feel completely apart and asked him to turn it off and my little boy, JR came over and hugged me from the top (and like to have broken my neck :-) ) Anyway, the lady that starting chatting got me out of my "mood" and I got to thinking. I KNOW that God is able to keep that which I have commited to HIM. Of course, I'd be lying and stupid to tell you that I"m not worried. I am, but, I HAVE to trust HIM.
My faith is being tried and tested and proven right now. All I have to have is a little faith. Remember that song, "little is much, when God is in it" I can't heal my dad, I wish I could, but I can't. But I know the ONE who can. I'm HIS child, HE loves me and I just HAVE to trust HIM. I believe God and HIS word. He said that "by HIS striped we are healed" and I'm going to stand on that promise.
Keep us in your prayers, if you would. My daddy is an unbeliever, in a way. He's wallked away from God, but I believe God is laying the ground work for a greater Miracle!!! In Jesus Name!!!