Feds moving the cash-for-clunkers goalposts
Rosslyn Smith
Many people who thought they were eligible to benefit from "Cash for Clunkers" rebate and made a deal for a new car out this week found that they are not. It seems that just before the program was to go into effect on July 24 the EPA changed its fuel efficiency ratings on many models. According to CNN Money:
...as part of the official launch, the EPA conducted "quality assurance and quality control effort regarding fuel economy calculations on more than 30,000 vehicle model types spanning the past 25 years," according to an e-mail sent by EPA spokesman Dale Kemery.
As a result, eligibility for roughly 100 vehicles was affected, Kemery wrote. However, roughly equal numbers became newly eligible and newly ineligible.
We have Christian brothers that sell cars.so they swap cars and find the Government moved the goalposts and changed the terms.
I posted that the cars sold before bankruptcy by Chrysler would have their warranties voided and they did and now this.
Makes ya wonder of you buy a car if the title is good to the dealer.
Try to avoid doing business with the government these days.