Will we have any Rights left?
Texas has now passed a law that you have to leave your home unprotected when there is a mandatory evacuation given or be arrested. An illegal alien can stay and break the law but a law abiding citizen will now be arrested and they can use "reasonable" force to remove you from your home.
I can cite this past year where the county I live in had a mandatory evacuation and we didn't get hardly any wind or rain. In fact, we have had thunderstorms that had much more wind and rain.
What really makes this bad is not only do you have to leave but they generally don't let you back in before all your food has spoiled due to electricity being off.
I am sick and tired of the government trying to "protect" me!
I don't need a seatbelt law to protect me, that should be my choice. I can choose to kill an unborn baby but I can't choose how I want to protect my own life?
If folks stay when a storm is coming then I don't think anyone should risk their life to save you, but that should be your choice. Folks have been staying for years and making it fine.
I wonder can the state be sued if you come back to your home and it has been vandalized?
Probably not. The theory being no one will be in town, but we all know the criminals find a way to break the law.
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Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
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Every moment, THANK GOD.