Originally Posted by Kim Komando
If a certain con minister was "caught" posting pictures of Apostolic women in "slits" while at a camp meeting and then posting them on a certain con ministerial forum for other men to see - would you file charges on this Holiness policeman? Would this be for harassment? stalking? something else? or just plain FREAKY weird?
Personally, I might be LIVID if this minister was just taking pictures of my daughter's skirt and lower torso.
Literally take him before a civil judge? Or do you mean before the church?
He maybe a little fanatical about exposing the sisters who are exposing themselves but if these offended Christians have an ought agains this fellow they need to 1) go to him about it, then if that doesnt work 2) get some witnesses and if that doesnt work 3) take him before the church, then the elders can decide on putting him out of the church for a while. And probably while he's out of the church someone could go to the civil courts and file some kind of action against him.