My mom's husband has been in the hospital for the better part of the last two weeks with severe pneumonia that seems to have come from nowhere. They were in Chicago visiting his family when this happened, so they are stuck, having lost their ride home, but he shouldn't fly anyway.
Anyway, he's not been responding well to antibiotics (he's 70), and Friday, the family was told to prepare. His heart is also in an abnormal rhythm (A-fib, for those of you who know what that is) and he's been off and on cardiac medications, according to how he fluctuates back and forth.
I'm just 5 hours away, and my brother is in Virginia keeping his business going as long as he can until the time comes, if it does. John's mom, son, and daughter are all there and my mom is getting lots of support, as she also lived in that area for 30 years.
My mom called Saturday and said he was doing better, but she didn't call Sunday. I thought that no news is good news, but she just called me and said they put him on a ventilator and his heart is back in A-fib.
I'll most likely be leaving tomorrow around noon to head up there. My van is not working well, so it needs prayer as well. I've been trying to get another one, but money issues prevent that at this time.
John Hoffman is his name. Susan is my mother. Please pray for both of them, as my mom has health issues as well.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!