Re: Oh, NOW Powell Understands What a Liberal is?
and now the latest, some people in his admin. are pushing to have money paid out as reparations to blacks for all the injustices and crimes as if we are all guilty until proven innocent. this is just the tip of the iceberg. i just found out recently that this garden that they rototilled the lawn at the white house to plant was done at the request of these eco freckos that think we all should be eating this organic food my taxes go to pay for his foolishness and then when the next president comes in we have to pay again to reverse it. this admin is being led by these enviromental wacks like the ones in oregon i beleive it is that have succeeded in banning dish washing detergent they have mandated some alternative kind that doesnt even work so they have to go over to IOWA to buy dish detergent that will actually cut grease.of course the dont think we should be eating anything that has a by product of grease we should all just eat carrots and asparagus and drink water. and no farting by the way because you wil be taxed for that because it increases the green house gases like the cows which they want to tax too,and then we will tax the coal industry into nonexistence [our biggest producer of electrical power] and of course" electric rates will have to be raised" bho says, because doggone it we are going to save this planet. what a joke!