Dearest Son, David Brent!
June 25th, 1975, I was having contractions and the pains were getting closer and closer together.
As the pains increased and it seemed like our child would arrive before long, I breathed a simple prayer (seems we Nancy Blakey's are always breathing simple prayers. Started with Grandma Lizzie), "LORD, if you would see fit, don't let my baby be born on June 25th. LORD, it might not mean anything to anyone else, but it would mean a lot to me".
Five years before on June 25, 1970, we had lost a child in a tragic accident. I didn't want to associate that day with the birthday of this new child. The LORD heard my simple prayer:
And indeed, joy came in the morning of June 26, 1975, in the form of a bouncing baby boy. We named him David, because my younger brother, David, had told me that IF we had a boy, if we named him David, he would marry a girl named Nancy! It was a joke at the time but came to pass.
GOD SENT JOY TO THIS DAD AND MOM, ON THE MORNING OF JUNE 26, 1975. You have been a JOY to our family and God has brought more JOY through your own little family, sweet wife and two children. Our joy has just kept increasing with every child, grandchild, and now will start tripling through the GREAT Grandchildren.
DAD and I love and appreciate YOU so very much! May you be blessed today and all year long, in Jesus Name!
Mom and Dad