Preached last night!
Pastor Edinei (son) came over yesterday and asked me to speak in the evening service...I had company ALL started at 5 and company left at ten till grabbed my Bible and run over to the run is walking slow!
Anyway, I started to send a note to him to ask someone else because there are always those that LOVE the opportunity but I always feel I have to pray, read, study and then study some more...I really felt blank!
For some reason I opened my Bible to where Jacob foght with an Angel...the Lord spoke to my heart this is what I want you to read...and speak on, When God changes your name...
Strange God only changed his name after he hurt him! But hurt and tired he held on until he was blessed...
So simple I guess but the alter filled up as we all wept together knowing we are all flesh but if we fight and hold on long enough our blessing will come...
Used other examples I could think of at the moment...Abraham, Sara. Paul and even mentioned about Peter...
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