Originally Posted by Truly Blessed
Acts 2:38 is not what saves anyone! It is faith in Jesus Christ that saves us. Anything we do as a result of being saved by grace through faith is the fruit of regeneration. Faith in Acts 2:38 has replaced faith in Jesus Christ in many apostolic circles. Starting with Peter on the Day of Pentecost, it was the preaching of Christ (death, burial, resurrection) that brought about conversion. Baptism in water and receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost happened subsequent to their conversion as they walked with God by faith.
Faith in God's grace caused Noah to build an ark which saved him NOT faith alone. By faith Noah builded.
According to your theology it would read by faith Noah did NOTHING his faith alone kept him from drowning. But BIBLE faith always requries something of man. And in this dispensation it is obedience to
Acts 2:38. True Jesus saves through faith in his blood in obeying the gospel.