Essentiality of Godhead
Undoubtedly, Christ spent much time explaining who He was, and caring who the disciples believed He was. The apostles spent many letters articulating the deity of Christ, and battled religious sects that somehow tried to alter his divinity. Question for the forum:
If a brother professes and holds to the doctrine of the Trinity, as many due because of centuries of tradition, but they profess that Jesus is God in flesh -- where do they err? Is this a mute point we often make? Should we focus on how to reconcile the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, as much as articulate that Jesus is Lord?
When Christ said, "Except ye believe that I AM (He), ye shall die in your sins." Oneness theologians like to use this to mean Christ was was saying, "except you have a theology that understand who I am in relationship to the personhood and offices of God, you will die. That's absurd. 99% of the North American couldn't hold water in a theology debate on the oneness of God -- but they all believe with conviction that God is ONE! Should we erase our line of division and allow liberty on this point?
Warmly Yours,
Jesus Name, One God Believer.