The truth of the matter is that I have shared what Islam is and what Islam teaches. I do not go research what pagans did 1500 years ago because I (this may surprise you) do not care. I already know that paganism is a sin and do not need a wordy article on the internet to confirm that.
Everyone who has every bowed to a pagan god or worshipped a pagan god or given room in their hearts for money, things, relationships, or anything else to anyone that shares any form of devotion to anything but the one and true God has a specific end. The nearly infinite number of ways that others have selected to achieve that end interests me so little that I do not have a comment on it. I also have no comment on actions or beliefs of thousands of years ago. I have no comment on the sinful actions of "muslims" who currently do those actions today except to point out, when specific cases are referenced, the precise areas where those cases violate the teachings of Islam. When you or anyone else is dumb enough to apply those actions to me I return the favor by applying the actions of bad people who do bad things in the name of "christianity" back to you. Then spell out how dumb and wrong it is.
When we pray we face the Kabaa. We do not pray to the Kabaa. We pray to God. God sees that prayer and the intention behind that prayer in our hearts. Each one of us is responsible for our own actions. Facing the Kabaa is a symbol of unity. From Muslims around the entire world. Giving the Kabaa homage or any form of diety equivalent to God is a form of Shirk. Shirk is to include anyone or anything in the oneness of God. This is, like the Bible clearly spells out as blasphemy, an unforgivable, unpardonable sin. We are taught that this sin will NEVER be passed over and there is nothing that can be done to make it up.
I will never endorse pagan worship. I also do not care what pagans did or did not do in the past. My prayer, and the prayer of my fellow Muslims, is to God and God only. That is what I was taught and what I believe is right and also matches what the bible says to do so I do not question it.
Originally Posted by Thomas Trini
How wonderful it must be to belong to a religion (Islam) where you're only allowed to question other people's beliefs, but not your own. To ask others questions, but never answer theirs.
Egads. What am I saying?