Originally Posted by edjen01
i do understand that some females do not like being alone...but I do not think it is mostly security/acceptance driven. agreed there are times when a female would feel unsafe and the need to have more people with her...but i do not believe this is the primary reason they go to the restroom in packs...or attend church.
If women don't find security and acceptance in the church they will find it elsewhere. Its in our nature.
Salvation should lead to a sense of security, in God of course. God's love should lead to a feeling of acceptance. Add fellowship with other women and bingo, you have a combo that appeals to women.
Women often remain in an abusive relationship with a man because of a false sense of security. Where will I go? What will I do? Etc. all come to mind if someone suggests she leave the jerk.
Likewise, women will often remain in a church that may not be ideal due to a sense of security whether it be false or otherwise. Men on the other hand will bail out or will unhappily remain for the sake of their spouse. Ask me how I know...on second thought, don't ask.