Originally Posted by Pastor Poster
That a person must live in mortal fear of crossing some imaginary "holiness" line unknowingly.
That the freakycons brand of "holiness" is equal to repentance, baptism and the infilling of the Holy Ghost and without obedience to a laundry list of extrabiblical rules you are going to go to Hell in a handbasket.
That other United Pentecostals who do not hold to the same fruity principles espoused by the "fence building Pharisees" are lost (including our highest leadership).
The constant desire to find ways to expel people from the kingdom instead of gathering them into it. This is offensive to God, and reeks in His nostrils.
I agree here and sadly admit, that to a degree, I was one o' them. To this day, it bothers me to think of the ways I used to treat people for not following what I said they were to do. After all, I was the man of God. I was the one who watched for their souls. Didn't they understand that if the women cut their hair that they were in sin and in danger of losing their salvation? Didn't the men understand that shorts or facial hair were going to send them to the "pit?" It gave me every right to use guilt, manipulation, pressure, withholding appreciation, sitting them "down" and a host of other things to get them to comply.