Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
I did not "assert". I specifically listed them one by one and even got started on chapter and verse. Remember the joking about your "assignment"? I listed them until I simply got tired of typing them in.
You asserted many things, then you turn around and deny it.
You have never denied that the Gospel of Barnabas outlining the story of Jesus (you know, Barnabas - he is mentioned <favorably> in Acts) was removed Prax.
You've never proven it was "removed". You make a lot of assertions but no substance to your assertions.
You also never denied that the penalty of posession of these writings was, at the time, death.
You've never proven the penalty for possession was death and, honestly I don't give a hoot that it was. What does that have to do with me?
I am (for some unknown reason lol) under the impression that it was removed.
Prove it was removed. Prove it is supposed to be there. Prove it is a valid book to begin with. Again lot's of assertions but no substance to them
Feel free to point me to the correct path at any time. After you do, I then have some questions about some other texts. These questions can wait in the wings.
You have more than questions, you are making assertions then not backing them up
I am taking the time to review these "contradictions". I did not have the luxury of "the first (2) years of Bible college" to 'clear up' possible contradictions.
All you need is a brain and some time alone with God in prayer, you don't need bible college. Maybe you spent some years in Quran college so you can clear up the contradictions in the Quran?