Originally Posted by ManOfWord
The amazing thing to me is that historically, (Book of Acts excepted) there are ZERO recorded major Ac. 2:38 "revivals" that have shaken the world and left their mark similar to other historical revivals. Azusa was not an Ac. 2:38 revival and neither we the subsequent moves of God or revivals.
The only ones people point to are the ones in Africa etc. and almost everyone who goes there for mass meetings has the same results if one does their research and reading.
Good point MOW! If these revival movements that Felicity listed did not result in genuine conversion experiences, then it seems to me God is left in the position of being basically a God who doesn't answer prayer and those who have called upon Him for salvation received something other than what they asked for. The Deceiver ends up being the one who has been effective through the years, not Jesus Christ and the gospel.