Originally Posted by Aquila
I see the individual as suspect. It's not common to carry that much cash when traveling. I'd agree with detaining him until we could verify that he was on the up and up without any warrants or being suspect for any other crimes. Law must be enforced. This is how it's done. People's actions make them suspect. Personally, I just think this guy's stupid because he shouldn't carry this kind of cash while traveling. He asked for it in my opinion. Detaining him until he was cleared caused him no harm.
Put yourself in the shoes of airport security.
Put yourself in the shoes of someone who follows the law and doesn't become a law unto themselves and detain people illegally and trample on peoples constitutional and God given rights simply because they "see the individual as suspect."
It is not within their realm of authority to do so and one should only operate within the realm of their authority.
That is why racial profiling is wrong.
Because somebody wears baggy pants and has dreadlocks you can't just "see them as suspect". A person is innocent until proven guilty. They can look as suspect as they want to. Looking suspect isn't a crime.
People who lean on street corners "look suspect".
People who drive around town in continuous loops "look suspect".
Looking suspect cannot, is not, will never be a good measure for legal detainment.