Jesus was whipped for our healing and we have faith that he is our salvation but what about our healing of the body mind and soul? Is there a such thing as the gift of healing or do we all through Jesus have the ability to heal others? What about bondages like alcahol or drugs and ciggeretes? If the gift of healing is given to certain brothers and sisters then who on this forum has that gift? If we all have the ability to heal through Jeus then how do we unlock that gift? Ive read that God is doing a wonderful work in other countries what about the good ole U.S.A.? Is it because we go to docters and depend on the health care sciences and we put God second on our list after we exaust all other fleshly help and find out that we can not put are trust in the arm of flesh? After our lord Jesus Christ was beaten with out mercy are we insulting him? please dont take this wrong I love evry one. I just want to know about healing. Love you all!!!