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Old 02-26-2009, 07:05 PM
Jaxon Jaxon is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 146
Clueless Biden at it again

The morning after Bobby Jindal, Gov of Louisiana, gave the reuplican response to Barack Obaba's speech VP Biden was engaging his mouth without the facts.

He was questioning Gov Jindal because....in Biden's words Louisiana was losing 400 jobs a day. Wrong.

Go to Louisiana's employment website laworks.net, it appears to completely contradict what Biden said Wed. morning. So why wasn't Biden questioned about this. Why wasn't he taken to task over this. Because the networks don't want to question him. He's quite well known for his verbal gaffe's and CBS sure wouldn't want BHO's right hand man to look bad.

Now....what would happen if Sarah palin were to make such an inaccurate statement. This guy has been a senator for ..what..36 years? Now he's VP and in charge of making sure the porkola is doled out responsibly....oh yeah , he had a difficult time remembering the website for this task.

If you honestly thought Sarah Palin had gaffe's, how can you take this guy seriously in any form or fashion. He is an embarrassment and what's more embarassing is the media won't call him out on any goofy statement like that.
His years of experience add so much to what he has to offer.

Biden is an embarrassement, letting these things slide tells volumes about why Obama was elected.
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