Contract Question
Is it normal to have your platform ministry and all Sunday School Teachers Sign the following? Is this Biblical? This started last year with just the platform ministries. This year they have added Sunday School. What will be next? What about "convictions" or finding your own salvation?
Core Leadership Contract
I recognize that this ministry is a visible place of service in the congregation and I agree to uphold all of the following teachings of Church to the best of my ability.
• I will be faithful in tithes and offerings.
• I will be faithful in prayer, evangelism and attendance, placing my own plans and schedules second to my position of ministry on the platform.
• I will uphold the outward standards of Modesty in dress and behavior.
• I will uphold the Spiritual teachings of men and women’s hair.
• I understand that women do not cut/intentionally break or any other method of purposely interrupting the growth of their hair. I understand that men are to keep a short and neat hairstyle at all times regardless of fashions or trends promoted in the world around them. As either of these are a sign of rejecting God’s divine authority over our lives. I understand that I will not color my hair or change the natural color that God has given me.
• I understand the wearing of jewelry other than wedding bands/rings is prohibited by scripture and I will refrain from doing so at anytime while serving in this capacity.
• I will not intentionally use technology that allows me to engage in watching broadcast television or any form of Hollywood-produced entertainment (including movies rented through stores, internet, or mail order services).
• I will at all times uphold this example in my actions, attitudes and lifestyle.
• I will uphold a moral example for others to follow in every area of my life. I will act as God has required the Pastoral Leadership in all things.
• I will strive to set the atmosphere in every service with prayer and fasting.
• I will not “speak evil of” nor speak against the leadership of Church as a whole nor will I engage with those that do (this is not restricted to B S, P S or any church staff).
• I will at all times work in harmony with and cooperate with all ministries and leadership because I recognize that division prohibits Apostolic revival and impacts Spiritual Anointing.
I agree that if at any time I am in conflict with the above mentioned standards of Church and the Biblical principles it teaches, I will remove myself with explanation and will do so without attacking the leadership of this ministry or the leadership of the church as a whole.
I understand that my commitment to this ministry will expire on the last Sunday of January 2010.
Signature_________________________________________ __________
Date ________
Last edited by sjfc.contract; 02-24-2009 at 02:59 PM.
Reason: Timeline added and extended questions.