Re: Have You Lost Your Job?
Originally Posted by MissBrattified
The company he works for makes gauges for various applications, including the oil and gas industry. So when oil and gas profits go down, it directly affects their profits as well. I believe he told me that when gas prices go below 1.63/gallon or so they start losing money (in that area).
So that, coupled with overall economy woes, has reduced their profit by a very LARGE margin. Some of the people are being laid off and then rehired through temp agencies at a lower salary or wage.
Jeff is over a couple of different areas, so I think his job is safe for now, but a couple of his fellow engineers (one of them an intern) were laid off a couple of weeks ago. We're not taking anything for granted, and we've seriously cut down our spending in the meantime.
Yes, that's a good idea. Thanks for sharing.
My husband is a supervisor in a medical center. They are in a hiring freeze but are not laying anybody off and hopefully won't. Health care is usually pretty stable.
Library circulation has been up so my job seems safe too. People don't want to spend money on books and videos.
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